How to gain healthy weight for teenagers ? Teenagers is the age of the potential for optimal muscle gain. In this range testosterone levels are at its peak as the onset of puberty .
Nowadays, obesity is seen suffered by many teenagers . Teens improper diet and eating mostly junk food . In addition , social networking sites and the Internet has made them less exercise . They were so engrossed in the virtual world they forget that they have lost touch with the real world . As a result , obese teens attack and they put on weight in a way that has never happened before . The best way to lose weight for a teen is to become active . They are at the age where physical activity is normal . So teenagers who want to lose weight should take off from Facebook and spend some time in the real world to indulge. In addition , weight loss exercise regularly really helps to get back into shape .
One good starting point to achieve optimal progress in the formation of the body in the long run is to start with a proper weight training program early. For optimal muscle growth, potential age is between 18-19 years old and throughout my 20s. Along with puberty, testosterone levels is at its highest at this age.
how to gain healthy weight for teenagers
Here are some exercises to gain healthy weight best suited for teenagers .
1. Running
When you're a teenager , you are still too young to be slow your metabolic rate . So light exercise such as walking and jogging will not help you lose weight . You have to run every day . Bring up your fitness to a level where you can walk for 3-4 miles every day . Walking is one of the best cardio exercises and it will burn calories.
2. Bicycle
When you are young , strong backs and you do not have balance problems . Cycling speed is great for your cardio workout . You will not only lose weight , but also your leg muscles . Cycling is also working on the abdominal muscles .
3. Aerobic Exercise
You need aerobic exercise because your body needs it . Try joining a dance aerobics or yoga classes really make you sweat . Dancing is one of the best exercises to lose weight .
4. Doing Games Sports
When you're a teenager , exercise should be part of your daily schedule , so that you get out of the daily routine . Play tennis or join your school football team . Playing sports is the fastest way to lose weight in adolescents .
5. Ding sit-ups , push - ups on a regular basis
You need abdominal crunches and push ups to burn accumulated fat from your muscles . It will be easier for you because you are still very young .
If you are a teenager who has a better way to gain
healthy weight , let us know what weight loss exercises that you do to get the ideal body shape. Let’s sharing. And hopefully this article will be useful for the reader especially for teenagers.
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